
Thursday, May 25, 2017

akeo: The presumed executioner was neighborhood police captured skimming island in 5 hours after the fact at 05 pm on 24 May 2017, situated in wavy Commune Takeo coasting island by building a case to the significant court cases to kill a young lady.

Suspect named Sim Sovanna, 25, an inhabitant of the town cooperative - above. The young lady was 12 years of age. The source said that before the episode, at 01 pm (same day), the young lady rancher in the northern town around 300 meters close to the manors with the town kids, 2 others. When they strolled to the adjacent ranches discreetly alone speculate the young lady was into the forested areas and steel her pants and took bursting privates until she was oblivious. At that point the speculate thought her dead, and tossed into a lake.

The 2 different children to cattle rustler with a missing young lady, they went to close-by ranches, they spotted suspects tossed the young lady down in the lake, they rushed to tell the guardians know and exhibition, the police went to the scene as of now achieved the suspects.


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